Donnerstag, 3.11.2022
09:45-10:00Kaffee / Coffee
10:00-10:15Dieter Kilsch, Bernd Geisselhardt:Begrüßung, Organisatorisches
10:15-10:45Gitte Christensen, Dyalog Ltd.:News from Dyalog
10:45-11:30Morten Kromberg, Dyalog Ltd.:Road Map
11:30-12:00James Brown:APL2Plus ™
12:00-13:00Mittagspause / Lunch
13:00-13:30James Brown:Acronyms in computer industry - mainly
13:30-14:30Jacob Brickman:Some interesting functions and operators
14:30-15:00Kaffeepause / Coffee Break
15:00-15:45Martin Barghoorn, FU Berlin:Private PKW in Deutschland: persönliche Datenauswertung von 1958 - 2022
15:45-16:45Kai Jäger:Paketmanagement mit Tatin, Projektmanagement mit Cider und Versionsverwaltung mit Git/GitHub
Freitag, 4.11.2022
09:00-09:30Dieter Kilsch, eh. TH Bingen:Using the COM-Interface to Excel - an example
09:30-10:30Jacob Brickman:The 3n+1 problem and why most APLs are not the right tool for it
10:30-11:00Kaffeepause / Coffee Break
11:00-11:45Morten Kromberg, Dyalog Ltd.:Simplifying Secure, Scalable Web Services
11:45-12:30Markos Mitsos, DKV / ERGO:Link based code management and DB2 based Unit tests
12:30-13:30Mittagspause / Lunch